The Kindergarten Mission....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Mission: To enroll our children in Creme da la Creme Private Kindergarten for 2008

The Challenge: 50 Pre-K children with only 24 open Kindergarten spots.

The Strategy: Colin and Amy do reconnaissance drive bys at 6pm, 8pm, 9:30pm. Teresa and Tim do a drive by at 10:30pm. Dan starts line at midnight and calls every hour on the hour to Brandon and Colin to let them know if any other parent dares to stand in the line.

The PlayOut: Dan holds strong, sitting in the cold from midnight until 2:30am....because wife will not allow him to sit in car for fear that he'll fall asleep and miss out on our coveted #1 spot! Another parent shows up. Amy shows up and is #3 in line. Brandon shows up and is #9 in line. Trace-Ann shows up for morale support of the team! By 5am, all 24 spots are taken. 6:30am the doors open to let the frozen Popsicle parents inside where we all get numbers and have to walk through a path lined with cones! All is calm, we write our check for an ungodly amount and thank our lucky stars that Olivia, Lex, and Andrew are all registered! Phew....mission complete!


Everly said...

wow! this is one reason I don't have kids.

Stephanie said...

Wow-- and you weren't even gonna get a Wii or Hannah Montana tickets. Hardcore guys!

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