Please Mr. Scrapbooking Industry Publication Giant, will you stop publishing every month new books about scrapbooking? I can't take it anymore! Every month, there is a new book that I end up coveting, needing, wanting immediately. I search, I look high and low, I stalk...until finally I find the book either online or in a store and then I must, absolutely must purchase it immediately...regardless of the price, regardless if I already have something similar, regardless of the fact that I know that it will sit on my shelf for months waiting to be read. It's a true sickness I tell you!
I hoard these books like there is no tomorrow. Like I'm afraid of some unlikely event that I won't have something to read when I have some down time. No, I'm not just saving for some rainy day where I'll have a couple of choice reading materials, no, it's more like saving for some tsunami to happen that will sweep me and my books off to a desert island stranded forever, then I'll be happy that I had 30+ unread books ready for my attention...just me, the sun, and my books. Good Lord, I need help!
Oh and by the way, now I need this book...ugh!
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