Case in point...

Monday, June 25, 2007

Remember post below, where I said that the rest of my house is neglected while I play in my scrapbooking evidence #1. Does anyone out there hate laundry as much as I do??


Jennifer said...

we seriously had SO much laundry that had accumulated that it took me all day on friday and my mom all day on saturday to get us caught up. UGH

KellyA said...

Oh, you are SOO not alone on that!! I HATE laundry and with 2 kids it's a constant battle. You are brave to post a picture! You don't even want to see ours...LOL!!

Lisa Cohen said...

I'm with you on the laundry! Ugh! But your scrap room looks awesome! I'd definitely want to hang out there more than the laundry room! I have that on my list for tomorrow (Friday is laundry day for me). Wish me luck. ;-)

Havalynn said...

I'm glad someone else's house looks like mine! I just can't seem to stay on top of my laundry.

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