Last night, Dan and I started to go down a path of 'keeping up with the Joneses" discussion. Until I finally said STOP! None of those 'things' are going to make us happy - haven't we learned anything in our 40 years? Dan agreed and used the analogy of "Whac a Mole". He explained that whenever those ugly little hairy monsters emerge in our conscious or subconscious that make us feel like we are not enough ... that we don't have enough, that we need to "Whac the Mole" down and focus on what truly will increase our happiness and well-being. So that is going to be our little code phrase whenever we start to go down that destructive and meaningless path .... "WHAC THE MOLE"!
A few interesting TED talks that I came across this morning that relates to this topic:
The Gross National Product (GNP) measures everything EXCEPT what makes life worthwhile. So how do we measure well-being? This is a great TED talk.
1. Connect with Others
2. Be Active
3. Take Notice ... be mindful
4. Keep Learning ... be curious
5. Give ... be generous
Another great TED talk! The model that most people run their lives by is....we have to get something, in order to do something, so we can have something - This is the "If Then Model". If this happens, then we will be happy. This is the incorrect mental model! The model itself is flawed!
And a post isn't a post without a picture - so here's my Take Notice path to well being!
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