Child-Free Week

Sunday, August 19, 2007

We drove down to Mom and Bill's house this weekend to drop off Olivia for a week with Nanny and PaPa. They have a ton of things planned for her this week so I know she will have a lot of fun and keep busy. She was fine with us leaving (with just a few little tears - think it was harder on us than her!) because she knows that we are going to be painting her room this week. She has requested the color that it is. We got the paint tonight and already started. I'll be sure to post before and after pictures here.

It felt very odd tonight. Dan and I kept looking at each other and saying, " We don't have to do anything we don't want to." Like cook dinner, give baths, entertain Olivia, etc... It's nice to have a feeling of do whatever we want....although, funny to think we choose to start painting her bedroom with this new found free time on our hands! I really want it to be a nice surprise when she comes home. I've already cleaned out her closet...and after painting, I'll start cleaning out and fixing up her toys, etc... She will be very excited to see her new room when she comes home next Sunday.

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