Good bye New York, Hello St.Louis

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Sitting in LaGuardia airport waiting for the plane to board. I'm off to my second destination of this two week business travel tour, St.Louis. New York was great. The work part not so great - heavy duty meetings resulting in 6am wake ups and 10pm last calls at the office. Also, resulted in a 3am Kinko run on Sunday morning in Times Square. The positive of that experience...well, I guess I'll have to say that I didn't get mugged, LOL or that perhaps I'm a pretty damn resourceful person when I need to get something done, double LOL!! The play part, when DH and DD joined me in NYC this weekend, was great! I'll have to write more details about that...but let's just say for now that it was a totally kid-centric weekend and DD should have many happy memories of her first trip to the Big Apple. Well, plane is off I go to lovely St.Louis....oh joy!

1 comment :

Jennifer said...

I can't wait to hear how your weekend went and can't wait for you to come back!

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